To enquire about any of the specific artworks created by Barbara Wyatt & Robin E. Westbrook, click here. View their collaborative artwork here.
Robin E. Westbrook – Clay/Bone & Bead
I am/was a jewelry maker.
Currently, I am going through a period of transition. My passion for jewelry making somehow got lost in the politics of now. I still have the need to stay
creative but making jewelry has become a silent muse.
After a trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming to visit Barbara Wyatt a friend
and ceramic artist, we spoke of trying collaborative work. That was it!
She would create vessels and I would embellish them! Clay/Bone/Bead!
Wanting still to include URBAN TRIBAL (the hand-sewn beaded bands of precious and mixed metals, shell and crystal beads that I had used in jewelry making), I began exploring the idea of environment, climate, flora, fauna. It became clear what to do. I began using natural shed antler, arbutus branch, leather, cork, and wire.
Barbara’s vessels were beautiful on their own for sure, but working together incorporating friendship and our passion for the art of craft has fulfilled what had been missing in my simple jewelry making.